About the Journal

About the Journal

Jewel Journal of Medical Sciences (JJMEDSCI) is an institution-based biannual peer-reviewed open access journal published by the College of Medical Sciences, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria. Manuscripts for submission to JJMEDSCI should be prepared in accordance with "Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journal" developed by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). In addition, authors are advised to carefully read this guide and conform to the instructions provided.



Open Access Publication and Creative Commons Licensing


Jewel Journal of Medical Sciences is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.



Aim and Scope

JJMEDSCI is a multidisciplinary journal that serves as a medium for communication among medical and allied health scientists, clinicians and other relevant professionals. The Journal provides opportunity for exchange of ideas, knowledge, discoveries and other educational information pertinent to the advancement of medical and allied health sciences.



Types of Article

The JJMEDSCI accepts and publishes the following types of articles:


  1. Original Research Articles: This type of article must have a clear objective of the study, concise discussion and a clear conclusion.
  2. Mini-Review Articles: Concise review of current or updated knowledge or advancements in the related fields.
  3. Systematic Review: Collects all possible studies related to a given topic and design, and reviews and analyzes their results
  4. Meta-Analysis: A valid, objective and scientific method of analyzing and combining different results in order to obtain more reliable results.
  5. Case Reports: Short and concise description of a unique, unusual or novel occurrence of a clinical case or presentation.
  6. Letters to the Editor:
  7. Short Communications: Short and concise papers that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination.


Manuscript Preparation

Research Article

The manuscript for research articles should include the following sections:

Title page:

The title page should contain:

  1. The title which should be clear, accurate and descriptive. It should not be more than 150 alphabets or 15 words. It must be in upper cases with bold (e.g. TITLE)
  2. Authors: Surname in sentence cases, followed by initials (example,Gombe SU)
  3. Full address of each authors and affiliation.
  4. Indicate the corresponding author and provide the email address and phone number.

The Abstract should be a concise summary of the article and be structured into Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. It should not exceed 300 words.


The Keywords should be 3-6 representing the main content of the article and should be arranged alphabetically and italicized.

Materials and Methods:

This section should be structured to include clear description of all the processes such as study area, study design, subject enrollment, sample collection, clinical and laboratory procedures, ethical issues and statistical analyses used. A clear statement on obtaining ethical approval should be included quoting the name of the issuing body and reference number of the certificate of approval.


The result section should provide a clear, concise and accurate presentation of the major findings of the study. Presentation can be in texts, tables and figures.


The discussion section should provide plausible explanation(s) to the findings in context of the existing knowledge. Additionally, the strength(s) and limitation(s) of the study should be highlighted.


This section should summarise the main findings of the research work.

Conflict of Interest:

All authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interests they may have with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors are also required to declare all financial and non-financial conflict of interests and where there is none, it must be clearly stated.

Authors’ Contribution:

Authorship credit should be based on substantial intellectual contributions to the three components outlined below:

  1. Concept and design of study or acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data;
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and
  3. Final review and approval of the version to be published.

Please note that, participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content of the manuscript. The order of naming the contributors should be based on the relative contribution of the contributor towards the study and writing of the manuscript. Once submitted the order cannot be changed without written consent of all the contributors.


This section is optional. It may be used to appreciate those that have directly contributed to the study but do not meet the criteria for authorship. (See the link for guide on authorship(https://publicationethics.org/authorship). Funding source can also be acknowledged here.

Review Article:

Review articles should contain the following:

  • Title page (same as in research article)
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Body – main focus of the review and may be structured into relevant sub-headings
  • Conclusion
  • Conflict of interest
  • Authors’ contribution
  • Acknowledgements
Case Reports:

Reports of previously unreported, unusual or rare cases of medical conditions (including reactions to drugs and medical devices) and treatment approaches should be presented using the pattern below:

  • Title page (same as in research article)
  • Abstract – This should be structured into Background, Case presentation and Conclusion.
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Case presentation
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Conflict of interest
  • Authors’ contribution
  • Acknowledgements


Writing Styles

 Download Writing Styles

Manuscript Submission

The corresponding author may submit the manuscript(s) through the online submission system or via Email at: jjmedsci@gsu.edu.ng or jeweljournalofmedsci@gmail.com. An automated acknowledgement mail will be sent once the submission is received. Submission of a manuscript will be taken to mean that it is unpublished work except in abstract form and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. This point should be clearly stated in the author's covering letter. Prior to submission, intending authors are strongly advised to observe the following:

  1. Strict adherence to the JJMEDSCI style of writing
  2. Effective proof reading to ensure acceptable grammatical expressions in English Language (preferably British spellings).
  3. The manuscript conforms to COPE principles of publications (http://publicationethics.org).
  4. All authors must read the manuscript and agree on submission to JJMEDSCI
  5. A cover letter should be provided while submitting the manuscript


Author(s) Attestation form

Author(s) should complete and submit an author(s) attestation form confirming that author(s) named have contributed sufficiently to the work submitted and that the content of the manuscript has neither been previously published nor being considered for publication elsewhere.

Editorial Process

Manuscript will be assigned manuscript number once it is received by the Editorial Office and subsequent communications between JJMEDSCI and corresponding author must bear these numbers. The Editor-in-Chief will do editorial review to ascertain conformity with JJMEDSCI instructions and will assign JJMEDSCI-conformed manuscript to appropriate Deputy Editor. The Deputy Editor confirms that the manuscripts worth consideration for publication and he/she assigns the manuscript to 3 independent reviewers with expertise in the area of focus of the manuscript. Usually, the editorial process may take 4 - 8 weeks depending on the numbers of manuscript and availability of reviewers. The outcomes of the review process will be communicated to the Editor-in-Chief who is turn relay same to the authors through the corresponding author.

Please note that, JJMEDSCI non-conformed manuscripts will be immediately returned to the authors for re-submission following required corrections. All manuscripts received will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will be shared only with individuals directly involved with the publication processes.


In line with COPE principles, all manuscripts submitted to JJMEDSCI will be subjected to plagiarism check during the editorial process. Manuscripts with at least 85% originality will be considered for further editorial review. Thus, authors are encouraged to consider using Cross Check (http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html) to determine the originality of their manuscripts before to submission to JJMEDSCI.

Peer Review Process

Reviewers will be given 2 - 4 weeks to provide opinions that could improve the quality of the manuscript. They are expected to provide written, fast, concise, polite, unbiased and justifiable reports in accordance with COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers within the stipulated time and make recommendation based on their overall assessment of the manuscript. Where applicable, reviewers’ comments will be sent to the authors through the corresponding author who is expected to provide a point-by-point response to all the comments and submit same along with the revised manuscript within two weeks. JJMEDSCI uses the Double-blind model.

Editorial Decision

The decision to accept or reject the original or revised manuscripts is the primary responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief who is guided by the reviewers’ reports. Emphasis will be placed on the originality, novelty, medical importance, clarity and relevance of the manuscript to the scope of JJMEDSCI. Such decision will be communicated to the corresponding author as early as possible. There are several editorial decisions for each submission:

  • Accept Submission - the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Revision Requested - revisions are needed to address concerns raised by the editors/reviewers leading to a resubmission of a revised manuscript. A period between 2 - 4 weeks normally given to authors to address all concerns raised by the editors/reviewers.
  • Reject and Resubmit for Review - in the case where the concerns raised by the editors/reviewers are substantial and may need more than a month to address, the manuscript will be rejected and the journal welcomes future resubmission of a revised manuscript. Authors will have to provide a rebuttal letter and reference to previous submission to accelerate peer reviewing exercise.
  • Reject - a manuscript is highly not suitable for publications due to various technical flaws or interpretation will be rejected. Please note that rejected manuscripts may be re-submitted as new manuscripts provided all the issues that led to the rejection have been adequately addressed.
  • Decline submission - when a manuscript failed to adhere to the journal housestyle requirements or failed to comply with the Author Guidelines.

Copyright Transfer

Published articles in JJMEDSCI are subject to the copyright laws of Gombe State University governing intellectual property right. Authors retain the copyright to their articles published by JJMEDSCI provided the original source of the publication is acknowledged. However, since JJMEDSCI operates an open access policy, articles published in JJMEDSCI will be freely available for public use. Users of such articles are required to cite the authors appropriately in line with COPE core practices. These rights are subject to changed without notice from or liability to JJMEDSCI.

Galley Proofs

Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author via the email address provided. They are required to proof read the documents and return same to the Editor-in-Chief within 72 hours. They are particularly advised to ensure that the names and addresses are correctly written. At this stage, authors should not introduce new information into the accepted manuscript or make changes except where mistakes are made while generating the galley proof.

Publication Charges

JJMEDSCI charges a -non-refundable publication fees of Thirty Thousand Naira (₦30,000) only or One hundred USD ($100) only which is expected to be paid into JJMEDSCI Naira Account (GTBank, 0639772643) or USD Account (GTBank, 0639772650). This will only be paid following acceptance of the manuscript. Opportunity for waiver (part or full) will be provided for authors with financial challenges and who have requested for waiver with convincing evidence during submission of the manuscript. JJMEDSCI will not reject manuscript based on inability of the authors to fulfill their financial obligation provided such manuscript is of exceptional quality.

Ethical Consideration

Research and publication ethics are paramount to publication of any article by JJMEDSCI. Authors should comply with relevant research ethics as applied to their work including ethics governing use of human subjects, human tissues experimental animals and medical records. Evidence of ethical approval from appropriate authority must be indicated at appropriate section of the manuscript. Issues of research misconduct are taken with absolute seriousness by JJMEDSCI and are handled according to COPE principles (Available at: https://publicationethics.org/misconduct). In addition, good publication practice must be imbibed by authors (http://publicationethics.org).

Conflicts of Interest

JJMEDSCI gives consideration to conflict of interest since this may influence the judgment of the authors, reviewers and editors. Thus, authors are required to clearly declare conflict of interest and where there is none, this should be clearly stated. The scope of such conflict may include personal, commercial, political, financial and scientific interests. Please note that editors may need to withdraw from the review process of manuscripts that conflict with their interest.

Reprint requests

The Journal copies will be sent to the corresponding author after publication. Order forms and price list will, however, be sent with the proofs for additional reprint orders by authors. For reprint, the request should be accompanied with evidence of payment of the appropriate fees.