Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje <p><a title="gomje,ng" href="https://www.gomje.ng">Click Here to explore the old System</a></p> <p>The Gombe Journal of Education (GOMJE) is a biannual peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Education, Gombe State University which is published in June, and December. The journal is designed to provide a means for exchange of ideas, research findings and innovative trends in all subjects in the field of that of the University.</p> en-US Wed, 16 Aug 2023 12:26:37 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PLATO’S CONCEPT OF PHILOSOPHER KING: IMPLICATIONS FOR NIGERIA’S POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/222 <p>Political leadership is an important tool for the promotion of national<br>development and should not be left in the hands of ignorant, uneducated or<br>semi-educated fellows. The paper examined the concept of “Philosopher<br>King” as perceived by Plato and its implications for Nigeria’s political<br>leadership and national development. The concepts of philosopher king,<br>political leadership and national development were examined. The paper<br>drew the conclusion that Plato’s idea of philosopher king has implications<br>for Nigeria’s political leadership and national development and can be used<br>to address the leadership and developmental challenges in Nigeria. The<br>paper also concluded that there will be no national development if<br>leadership is not placed in the hands of highly educated and<br>knowledgeable Nigerians who can make sound and rational decisions for<br>nation building. Based on this, the paper recommended the amendment of<br>the constitution of Nigeria to give room for highly educated and<br>knowledgeable Nigerians to oversee the affairs of the Nigerian State.</p> AMADI, PRINCE NNAMDI, NWUCHE, DOMINICA OKECHUKWU Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/222 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, GOMBE STATE UNIVERSITY http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/223 <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between social<br>media usage and academic performance of undergraduate students in the<br>Faculty of Education, Gombe State University. Three Research questions<br>and a null hypothesis guided the study. The descriptive research design<br>was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of all<br>4,160 full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty. Research Advisor<br>(2006) was used to determine a sample of 346 Students using random<br>sampling technique. A four-point Likert-like rating scale, titled: Social Media<br>and Academic Performance of Student (SMAAPS) was used to collect data<br>from the participants and that the instrument was validated by three<br>experts in the Faculty of Education, Gombe State University. A reliability<br>test was carried out on 20 students over a period of two weeks and the<br>coefficient of reliability of the instrument was 0.65. The instrument was<br>administered personally to the respondents and retrieved as soon as the<br>instruments were filled. Frequency count and percentage were used to<br>answer the research questions while Chi-square (X2) was used to test the<br>hypothesis formulated for the study at 0.05 level of significant. Findings of<br>the study showed that there was a significant relationship between the<br>students' usage of social media and their academic performance; a great<br>number (62%) of the students are highly addicted to Social Media usage<br>with poor academic performance. The study therefore concluded that,<br>excessive Social Media usage among the students significantly influenced<br>their performance academically. Therefore, the study recommended that<br>Students should minimize excessive use of Social Media and focus more on<br>devotion to studies so as to improve their academic performance.</p> SOLOMON GARBA Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/223 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE COMING AND THE COEXISTENCE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH THE INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES OF GOMBE STATE: IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/224 <p>The purpose of this paper was to examine the coming of the English<br>Language to Gombe State, the outcomes of its coexistence (contact) with the<br>indigenous languages of the State, and the implications of the outcomes for<br>teaching. Indeed, the English language having coexisted with the<br>indigenous languages for over a century has produced some outcomes<br>worthy of highlighting, together with the implications for its teaching in<br>institutions of learning. Specifically, the paper considers the position of<br>English language as a world language, the functions and roles it plays in<br>Nigeria in general and Gombe State in particular which earned it the status<br>of ‘second Language’. Furthermore, the paper treats the coming of the<br>language from the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia,<br>and New Zealand. It identifies the indigenous languages with their<br>locations. The outcomes of the coexistence of the English language with the<br>indigenous languages include the borrowing of words, the indigenisation of<br>some aspects of pronunciation, grammatical structures, lexis, codeswitching and code-mixing, which resulted in what is today known as<br>Nigerian English. The paper also treats the relevant phenomena of codeswitching and code-mixing. Finally, it considers the communicative method<br>for English language teaching.</p> SABE, Charles Zaure, AHMED, Yunana Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/224 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTS OF MNEMONICS STRATEGY ON INTEREST AND ACHIEVEMENT IN GENETICS OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL II STUDENTS’ IN GOMB METROPOLIS, GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/226 <p>This research delved into the impact of the mnemonics strategy on the levels<br>of interest and achievement in genetics among senior secondary two<br>students in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria. Employing a nonequivalent group pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design, the study<br>encompassed a student population of 6,607, consisting of 3,927 males and<br>2,680 females. From this pool, a sample of 127 biology students was<br>selected, comprising 71 males and 56 females. These students were drawn<br>from intact co-educational classes within senior secondary schools in<br>Gombe metropolis, utilizing a simple random sampling technique. The data<br>collection instruments comprised a genetics achievement test (GAT) and a<br>genetics interest rating scale (GIRS), both designed and validated by the<br>researcher with input from three experts. The reliability of GAT and GIRS<br>was assessed using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R20), yielding<br>reliability coefficients of 0.75 and 0.71, respectively. The experimental<br>group received instruction through the mnemonics strategy, while the<br>control group was taught using lecture-based methods. The study was<br>guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses. Research<br>questions were addressed through mean and standard deviation scores,<br>while the hypotheses were tested at a significance level of 0.05 using<br>Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings unveiled that students<br>taught genetics using the mnemonics instructional strategy achieved<br>significantly better results compared to those taught using lecture-based<br>methods. The results also indicated a noteworthy difference in mean achievement scores between the control and experimental groups in the<br>post-test [F (1,124) = 74.820, P=0.000&lt; 0.05, partial η2 = 0.673].<br>Conversely, no significant difference was found in interest mean scores<br>between male and female students when taught genetics using the<br>mnemonics strategy [F (1,62) = 8.212, p = 0.312, P-value 0.312&gt; α = 0.05].<br>Based on these findings, the researcher recommends the integration of<br>mnemonics strategy by biology teachers at the secondary school level. This<br>strategy proves to be gender-inclusive, fostering engagement from both male<br>and female students in the learning process, thereby augmenting their<br>interest and achievement in genetics biology.&nbsp;</p> Kala, Muhammad Dauda, Mailaya, J. Masoyi, Agbowuro, C., Abdullahi, U.I. Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/226 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTS OF MNEMONICS STRATEGY ON INTEREST AND ACHIEVEMENT IN GENETICS OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL II STUDENTS’ IN GOMB METROPOLIS, GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/227 <p>This research delved into the impact of the mnemonics strategy on the levels<br>of interest and achievement in genetics among senior secondary two<br>students in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria. Employing a nonequivalent group pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design, the study<br>encompassed a student population of 6,607, consisting of 3,927 males and<br>2,680 females. From this pool, a sample of 127 biology students was<br>selected, comprising 71 males and 56 females. These students were drawn<br>from intact co-educational classes within senior secondary schools in<br>Gombe metropolis, utilizing a simple random sampling technique. The data<br>collection instruments comprised a genetics achievement test (GAT) and a<br>genetics interest rating scale (GIRS), both designed and validated by the<br>researcher with input from three experts. The reliability of GAT and GIRS<br>was assessed using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R20), yielding<br>reliability coefficients of 0.75 and 0.71, respectively. The experimental<br>group received instruction through the mnemonics strategy, while the<br>control group was taught using lecture-based methods. The study was<br>guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses. Research<br>questions were addressed through mean and standard deviation scores,<br>while the hypotheses were tested at a significance level of 0.05 using<br>Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings unveiled that students<br>taught genetics using the mnemonics instructional strategy achieved<br>significantly better results compared to those taught using lecture-based<br>methods. The results also indicated a noteworthy difference in mean achievement scores between the control and experimental groups in the<br>post-test [F (1,124) = 74.820, P=0.000&lt; 0.05, partial η2 = 0.673].<br>Conversely, no significant difference was found in interest mean scores<br>between male and female students when taught genetics using the<br>mnemonics strategy [F (1,62) = 8.212, p = 0.312, P-value 0.312&gt; α = 0.05].<br>Based on these findings, the researcher recommends the integration of<br>mnemonics strategy by biology teachers at the secondary school level. This<br>strategy proves to be gender-inclusive, fostering engagement from both male<br>and female students in the learning process, thereby augmenting their<br>interest and achievement in genetics biology.&nbsp;</p> Kala, Muhammad Dauda, Mailaya, J. Masoyi, Agbowuro, C, Lammaru R. F, Abdullahi, U.I Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/227 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A COGNITIVE OUTCOME OF GENDER AND GROUP LEARNING AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NIGERIA. http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/245 <p>This study examined the effect of gender and group learning on financial accounting performance among <br>secondary school students in Gombe state, Nigeria. A pre-test-post-test-control group design was adopted. <br>120 students that participated in the study were selected randomly from six schools. The students were <br>divided into two equal groups, namely: experimental (i.e., STAD technique) and control group (i.e., <br>traditional approach), both at random. A Financial Accounting Achievement Test (FAAT) was used as an <br>instrument for data collection. The study found that the performance of students who were exposed to the <br>group learning (i.e., STAD technique) was significantly better than the performance of students who were <br>exposed to the traditional teaching approach. This finding suggested that STAD technique has effectively <br>enhanced the financial accounting performance of the secondary school students. It is, therefore, <br>recommended that government should encourage both curriculum planners and secondary schools’ teachers <br>to adopt the STAD technique of cooperative learning as an instructional approach for teaching financial <br>accounting in secondary schools to improve students’ performance in the subject. Nevertheless, the study <br>found no significant difference in the financial accounting performance of male and female students in both <br>experimental and control group (i.e., STAD and traditional approach)</p> Abubakar Copyright (c) 2023 Gombe Journal of Education http://gsujournals.com.ng/gomje/index.php/gomje/article/view/245 Wed, 11 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000